Mondays are usually set aside for committee meetings
GAME DAY-Just about every Tuesday morning of the year, our Senior adults get together from 10 am to Noon to fellowship, snack, play games, and share prayers and projects.
PEOPLE OF LOCKHART-On the first Tuesday of each month (most months), concerned citizens of the Lockhart Community get together at 6:30 pm to discuss, plan and implement projects to improve the area. Local police, politicians, and others give talks on current topics of interest or concern. No registration necessary, just drop in at our Fellowship Hall-the brick front building that faces Edgewater Drive.
LIFE GROUP-The Tuesday group meets at 6:30 pm on ZOOM. This is a discussion group/Bible study class that is led by Ted Russell.
BIBLE STUDY/PRAYER MEETING-each week at 6:00 pm we meet in the Sanctuary for a Bible study and prayer time.
CHURCH CONFERENCE-once a quarter at 6:00 pm we conduct a business meeting of the church. A shortened Bible study and prayer time comes first, then the livestream is turned off and a ZOOM meeting begins. Anyone who attends in person can stay and observe. Church members can participate. (varies between 2nd and 3rd week)

Bible Study-9:30 am in the Education Building/Fellowship Hall-the brick faced building in the middle of our campus, facing Edgewater Drive.
Morning Worship-10:45 am in our Sanctuary. We livestream our service, so we ask that you be in place, ready to worship by 10:40 am.
Children's Church starts after the music part of our service, the children gather and are taken to our Education Building for lessons on their level.
Everyone is welcome just as they are; Masks and hand sanitizer are available in our church foyer if you still feel the need to use them.
[We no longer have an evening service on Sundays. This is a time for our folks to be with their families and get ready for the work week.]